Product Strategy Map (2): The Law of Biological Evolution of the Industry Li Bin Follow the author 2022-03-30 0 comments 3117 views 5 Favorites 9 minutes job function email list The only way for product managers: how to turn requirements from 0-1 into products? job function email list The senior product manager of Dachang will take you to explain the whole process of the project in detail with a case, click here to learn more >>> Release your eyes, put on your headphones, and listen~! 00:00 00:00 Editor's introduction:
Finding the right opportunity is very important for job function email list the product. This article continues the previous article "Product Strategy Map (1): Finding Product Opportunities from Change and Unchangeability, and continues to describe the importance of systematically understanding the industry, the thinking process of gaining insight into the laws of the industry, job function email list and finding constants in changes. Matching production and demand and other methods to seize opportunities,
I hope to help you. The product strategy map series mainly builds a 0-1 thought and action system from the perspectives of business, strategy and product. job function email list The current contents include: opportunity, evolution, positioning, competition, value, driving, job function email list destination, business, preparation, demand, and transformation. Continuing the "opportunity" of the previous article "Product Strategy Map (1): Finding Product Opportunities from Changes and Unchangeables", this article is the "evolution" in it, and explains in detail the industry evolution law in the opportunity.